
In this potential divider the second resistor is a thermistor. When the

temperature is low the resistance (R2) is high, this makes the output voltage

high. When the temperature is high the resistance (R2) is low, this makes the

output voltage low. A use of this would be a cooling fan that works harder

when it is warm.

In the second potential divider the second resistor is a Light Dependant Resisitor.

When the light levels are low the resistance (R2) is high, making the output voltage

high. When the light levels increase the resistance (R2) decreases, this makes the

output voltage decrease. A use of this could be a street light sensor that lights up

when the surrounding are dark.

Section 5 Alternating Current
Lesson 8
Learning Outcomes To know what peak current/voltage is and to be able to identify it
To know what peak-to-peak current/voltage is and to be able to identify it
To know what r.m.s. values are and to be able to calculate them M.BENYOHAI

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