Finding g

We can find the value of the gravitational field strength, g, on Earth by carrying out the following experiment.

Set up a simple pendulum of length l and measure the time for one oscillation.

If we measure the time taken for 20 oscillations and divide it by 20 we reduce the percentage human error of the reading and make our experiment more accurate.

If we look at the equation and rearrange it to become: , by plotting a graph of T2 against l we can find the value of g from the gradient which will be = .

Section 6 Resonance and Damping
Lesson 6
Learning Outcomes To know what free and forced vibration are and the phase difference between the driver and driven
To know what resonance is and how it is reached
To know what light, heavy and critical damping are and their affects on resonance M.BENYOHAI

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