Efficiency (Also seen in GCSE Physics 1)

We already know that the efficiency of a device is a measure of how much of the energy we put in is wasted.

Efficiency = useful energy transferred by the device this will give us a number less than 1

total energy supplied to the device

Useful energy means the energy transferred for a purpose, the energy transferred into the desired form.

Since power is calculated from energy we can express efficiency as:

Efficiency = useful output power of the device again this will give us a number less than 1

input power to the device

To calculate the efficiency as a percentage use the following:

percentage efficiency = efficiency x 100%

Section 4 Conservation of Energy
Lesson 10
Learning Outcomes To be able to calculate gravitational potential energy
To be able to calculate kinetic energy
To be able to solve problems involving the conversion of energy M.BENYOHAI

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