Energy Stored (Elastic Strain Energy)

We can calculate the energy stored in a stretched material by considering the work done on it.

We defined work done as the force x distance moved in the direction of the force or

Work done is equal to the energy transferred, in this case transferred to the material, so:

The distance moved is the extension of the material, e, making the equation:

The force is not constant; it increases from zero to a maximum of F. The average force is given by:

If we bring these terms together we get the equation which simplifies to:

This is also equal to the area under the graph of force against extension.

We can write a second version of this equation by substituting our top equation of into the one above.

Section 4 Momentum and Collisions
Lesson 12
Learning Outcomes To be able to calculate momentum and know the units
To be able to explain the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions
To be able to find the velocity of an object after a collision or explosion M.BENYOHAI

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