Anti Hadrons

Anti hadrons are made from the opposite quarks as their Hadron counterparts, for example a proton is made from the quark combination uud and an antiproton is made from the combination ūūd̄

We can see that a π+ and a π- are particle and antiparticle of each other.

Anti Proton Charge Baryon Number (B) Strangeness Anti Charge Baryon Number (B) Strangeness
-⅔ -⅓ 0 +⅓ -⅓ 0
-⅔ -⅓ 0 -⅔ -⅓ 0
+⅓ -⅓ 0 +⅓ -⅓ 0
p̄̄ -1 -1 0 0 -1 0

You need to know all the quark combination shown on this page as they may ask you to recite any of them.

Section 2 Leptons
Lesson 5
Learning Outcomes To be able to explain what a lepton is
To know the properties common to all leptons
To be able to explain the conservation laws and be able to use them M.BENYOHAI

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