Size of the Force

The size of the force on a wire of length l, carrying a current I placed in a magnetic field of magnetic flux density B is given by the equation:

Here the wire is at 90° to the magnetic field lines.

When the wire is at an angle of θ with the magnetic field the force is given by:

If we rearrange the equation towe see that 1 Tesla is the magnetic flux density (field strength) that causes a 1 Newton force to act on 1 metre of wire carrying 1 Amp of current.

Magnetic Flux Density is measured in Tesla, T

This equation looks very familiar if we compare it to the force in a gravitational and electric field.

Section 7 Force on a Charged Particle
Lesson 12
Learning Outcomes To be able to calculate the size and direction of the force on a charged particle in a magnetic field
To be able to describe the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field
To be able to describe the main features of a cyclotron and explain how it works M.BENYOHAI

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