Taking the Lift

Newton’s 1st Law

When you get in the lift and when it moves at a constant speed you feel no force up or down. When it sets off going up you feel like you are pushed down, you want to stay where you are. When it sets off going down you feel like you are lighter, you feel pulled up.

Newton’s 2nd Law

As more people get in the lift its mass increases, if the lifting force is constant we can see that it takes longer for the lift to get moving. Or we can see that with more people the greater the lifting force must be.

Newton’s 3rd Law

As you stand in the lift you push down on the floor, the floor pushes back.

Section 4 Work, Energy and Power
Lesson 9
Learning Outcomes To be able to calculate work done (including situations involving an inclined plane)
To be able to calculate the power of a device
To be able to calculate efficiency and percentage efficiency M.BENYOHAI

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